Fifty Watercolors: A slide show of works made between 1982 and 2014 acrylics-thmb.jpg Acrylics on Canvas: A slide show of large acrylic paintings made between 2013 and 2016


Painting the Music: an essay about interpreting the music of various composers in pictures. Including A Brief History of Visual Music.





Painting Mt. Asama: art and a beautiful dormant volcano in Japan.

Just the Mt. Asama Pictures. Nine watercolors by Vladimir- and a collage by his daughter Mona

Drawings and photo of a rose called "Peace"palestine-posters.jpg A link to all the posters I designed for Palestine archived at the Palestine Posters Project. Several of these posters were selected to be preserved in the UNESCO Memory of Mankind archives.
Seven watercolor paintings Watercolors and drawings of Palestine in my 1964 drawing books
Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves illustrations only.

Ali Baba Text and illustrations as a pdf.

  The British Literary Journal Banipal put my works on the cover of its Autumn2002/Spring2003 issue
For artists: How I stretch my watercolor paper. Mount Fuji Seen From Tokyo and Peace Bird Over Jerusalem

A painting featuring two cities separated by a continent, a lifetime and a sacred mountain.